okay since i have currently run out of things to do(so not true, i still haven't read the last twilight book, tan's gonna kill me!)and have been tagged i thought i might as well get it over with. so here goes........
RULE: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits / things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.NO TAG backs!
15)i don't mind listening to songs of different languages if the song has a nice melody.
14) i can spend the whole day reading and not get bored. literally. if you ask me to read books from 7 in the morning to 7 the next day. i'll do it!
13)Harry Potter rocks!!!!!! thats not actually a habit or anything. but i just felt that it's a fact i had to state.lol
12)i was afraid of the dark when i was a kid
11)when dhanya and i were born we actually had straight hair. it was only when our hair started to grow back after it was shaved off that it started to become curly.
10)apparently when we were kids dhanya and i thought the word twins meant cute. what??!! we were five.
9)if it doesn't show.dhanya and i do fight sometimes.
8)one of my favourite people of all time is john lennon. his message about peace still lives on today.
7)i HATE spongebob squarepants! no offense to spongebob squarepants lovers. i just find him so annoying.
6)i actually like my brothers.shhhhhh. don't tell them i said that.lol
5)ermmmmmmm...after pmr i have been waking up early for some reason even though i have been sleeping really late
4)i don't know how to speak my mother tongue.
3)the only movies i have ever cried while watching are "permanent record" and "my girl"
2)i prefer high school musical to camp rock
1) i love listening to british accents! lol
and the people i tag are:
*anybody who wants to do this