Thursday, October 11, 2007

we're getting started.. :D

hiya everyone out there..this blog is supposedly* to have 8 contributers..
and as you all know...not everyone reads their email as fast as lightning..
and so there are some invites that are yet to be accepted..

oh yah.almost forgot about the contributer.. you already know.there are 8 of us..
and i think i'll just introduce them by names and let them decieve you with their fantasicing desciptions of themself later on..haha..

okay..first of all..
she who has created this blog itself..
Karin Fam..

and she who gave ideas
Hannah Soh

and they who agreed
the twins Divya and Dhanya

she who was so exited about the blog
Serena Kok

she who gave numerous ideas on the blog title
Tan Cheng Yi

and she who also helped so much
Nicole alyssa de lima (happy birthday!)

and lastly me..the one who could just help by slightly introducing the bloggers
Jen Li

well..thats it for the first post..believe whatever you want to believe

till then..see ya around.. and thanks for visiting.. =)

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