Saturday, December 1, 2007

Votey votey~ Look at the name that's not in here, and you'll know it's meee~

1. The Go-To-Person: ERR. What's this?
2. The Smart ass: Tan
3. The Most Hardworking: Tan
4. The Good Girl: Divya
5. The Bookworm: Divya
6. The Most Entertaining Blogger: Serena
7. The Most Funniest: Err. Hannah says pretty funny stuff. Not intentionally though. "My hand hurts! Give me the eraser!"
8. The Most Talkative: Serena
9. The "PRS" (the one can give the best advice): Erm. Serena gives sucky advice. Hannah's too blur. Divya lah! :D
10. The Mysterious: Hannah.
11. The Laziest: Hmm. Serena!
12. The Craziest: Err. Jen.
13. The Most Evil: Errk. Dhanya :D
14. The Most Emo: Hannah.
15. The most Girly: Nikki. Jen. Don't know.
16. The Most Fashionable: Nikki. Although I love Hannah's pants.
17. The Most Fun to be With: Aww. Can't choose.
18. The Bad ass Girl: Errrk. Dhanya!
19 The Gossip Buddy: Nikki and Serena and Jen!
20: The ChildishesT: Serena!

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