Saturday, July 4, 2009

lets stop reminiscing and keep moving forward

as the title says lets move forward ,as in plan for the future.and ignore the reminiscing all my loyal virtually non-existent readers know its a complete and total lie.

anyway moving on .we are going to be form 5 next year.have you guys decided what to do ?i haven't .well do you ???? spm suddenly looks a lot closer then it should.heck, form 4 is not even over and i still havent managed to not fail!!!!how am i gonna work in the real world if i cant even pass one freaking add maths paper!!.perhaps i'll just be a 'bum' i mean i just have to siphon money from my parents and laze around right? oh maybe i'll just keep borrowing money from my oh so WONDERFUL,HELPFUL AND KIND FRIENDS.

divya and i were discussing what everyone would do after studying

tan-chef.thats easy .i want more of those lime things tan!!!
jen-business thing or something to do with management?
karin-definitely PR
serena-um...something to do with maths?
hannah-anything?ur pretty much good at anything
nicole-like hannah ,good at anything
aiman-management ,or u want to be a interior designer
lemeuel-i dont know run a gossip column?
arthur -somethin to do with drawing,architect maybe?
fabi-singer no question
duckie-PR or lawyer

u guys agree?

oh yeah i have a check list now:
annoyed parents,check
humiliated myself, check
made ppl think im a dumb deaf opinionless person,check
read another book(of course),check

and i think thats it

if i have some how caused some depression,distress or maybe even annoyance with it, having some emotion didnt kill anyone

word of the day-irate:in other words annoyed, irritated

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