it was quite fun but since its kind of a touchy subject with some people *coughkyecoughsercough*its better you go see aimans blog
moving on its time to celebrate the birth i mean the september babies
firstly miss karin fam
aka karin kye
aka punchbag
born on 20/9/93
the most eccentric 5 year old pervert i have met .
you have revolutionized the word random and nonsense for me haha
nevertheless its hard not to laugh or have fun around you
and if i ever lose you as a friend it will be a sad day in my life (aww)
secondly , and only because you were born later. miss tan cheng yi
aka tan chen na vi
aka tcy
aka tan
born 27/9/93
my longest known friend amongst the 8
i can always count on you to listen and for advice
people like to compare how you use o be so quiet and now so lord(includingme)
but they dont know what a great person you are
god smiled upon me when he gave me you as a friend :)
ok after all that emotional crap (which is still true)
went out for miss punchbags birthday on wednesday for karaoking.well let me put it this way even though got some people who were reluctant join it at first*you know who you are* you have never been karaoking until you have with them
here is picture curi-ed from serena's blog
next today was tans birthday and jen went and surprised tan today although i dont really know what happened . i'll get what happened from tan tomorrow .
any way hope you guys liked your presents :)
oh and for the bathroom in the title, its just because i washed my bathroom this week.yeah my maid went
p.s pic of the birthday girls before i go

just in case you dont know their the ones on opposite ends.on the left is karin and right is tan .
oh and p.s i know another one
i'm taking a 3 week hiatus from the internet so it falls to the other 7 to continue blogging or maybe after the make over.
so cheers people and bye for now
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