Sunday, November 18, 2007


A Letter For Mrs Hannah . . . . . . . *fill in the blank*
Hmmmmmph!! I read the say box or C box or whatever box la.. And that feller you mentioned is so last year.. XD And so how tomorrow?? Sms me later.. If you got that 'band practise' me, Nikki and the twins will go Klubing..
From Dr. Ms. Serena Kok.. *LOL!!!*
Well, where was I?? Oh yeah, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Anyway, I'm gonna die of boredom if i don't have anything to do.. Sigh..
Oh yeah, GOSSIPS!! (Don't worry Hannah, its not about you.. XD).. Did you guys get a message from Duckie?? He said that Peh broke his arm.. He fell from the 1st floor at a car park.. It sounds like he was trying to suicide!! Well, i think it sounds like that.. But how can he fell from there la?? Unless he wanted too.. Hmmmmmmmm??
Lol.. Isn't this post colourful?? I'm bored now, so, I'm gonna post craps.. Did you guys watch Beauty and the Geek?? It was the last episode and THANK GOD Megan and Scooter WON!! I was hoping that Cecile *however you spell her name* didn't win.. But i wanted Nadia and whoever the guy's name to win.. Oh well..
Hmmmmm... What else?? Why did they change our class name?? Now, i have to remember the classes name all over again.. Why 3 SEJAHTERA?? Its soo loong.. Imagine writing that on your exercise books again and again and again and again and again..
Crap, my left feet is numb.. Ok la, i think its time to go.. BYE!!

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